Sunday, October 19, 2008

Confusion Alert Ahead

When I was bumming around the No on 8 website looking at their TV ads, I noticed something very strange. Up until recently, the logo for "Vote No on Prop 8" featured a little green check through the o of no. This is the logo that can still be seen on all merchandise sold in the (Coincidentally, this is the lawn sign I have on my dorm room door):

However, now the logo for the no on 8 website has a red x through the o of no.

What is the reason for the change? This is all purely speculative, but it seems as if those behind Equality California/No on Prop 8 realised that a green check is a positive thing, and that in their efforts to get people to vote no, this might become confusing to voters, causing them to vote yes by accident. Personally I think it's a tad silly, but it should be noted that the wording of Prop 8 is somewhat confusing - voters are used to being -for- gay marriage, not -against- a ban on gay marriage. Usually when someone talks about being "pro-gay marriage," one doesn't think about voting against anything.

What I am confused about, is why would Equality California/No on Prop 8 change their logo now, less than 3 weeks before the election, whatever the reason? Thousands of lawn signs, poster, stickers, buttons, t-shirts, and other paraphernalia have been distributed with the 1st version of the logo. Why change the logo now? Doesn't this make a tiny detail even more confusing?

Come on Equality California, please pull yourself together and stop acting like an indecisive spastic puppy. Pick a message, and go with it. Don't confuse voters. Air some stronger TV ads, and stop playing defense. A strong campaign is starting to slowly look weaker, which does not bode well for the outcome of November 4Th.


Isaac Hale said...

I'm with you Jacquie. God... I'm really, REALLY praying that we win this thing.

Laura said...

Jacquie, I agree this was a big fumble to change course a few weeks out, but I must admit that comparing the 2 logos, I get it. The new one is much stronger in conveying the no message, and as you said, many people are confused about how to vote. I actually had one friend, someone into politics, say, "yay for gay marriage, yay for prop8!" I was in shock. Hopefully this new logo makes it a bit more clear--since both the no and yes campaigns have previously been framed in positive ways. This now makes it clear--vote no because inequality is wrong (they changed the color of the tagline too)

Jacquie said...

I understand and agree with you Laura about the -message- of the changed logo. I personally think the new logo should have been the logo since the very begining. More what I am saying is that since so much propaganda has been distributed with the original logo the change is just making a confusing situation worse. I know what you mean about people saying "yay for gay marriage and prop 8" - I've run across that alot over the past few months. If anything that's a biggest signifyer that the no on prop 8 campaign has not being doing a good job.